Snook brood stock collection in Ecuador

I worked in
The part of broodstock collection is one of the most important and exciting job, because premium broodstock promise to produce excellent seeds. We used to buy the fish from fisherman directory by cash during fishing. Once we pay, the cost was non refundable even if we found some defect of the fish later. Thus, broodstock purchaser require the abilities which evaluate fish quality in an instance under chaotic fishing condition. The conditions of broodstock are as follows.
· The fish is matured or the size is able to mature
· Less injury of eyes, skins and fins
· Acceptable young one if it has not injury
The fish are stocked in transition tank for one week to observe the condition after arriving the center. It has mortality with in a few day in case fish has serious damage at internal organ. Also the fish is immerse in antibiotics bath to minimize bacteria infection in this time. Finally, the fish are immerse in formalin at 100 ppm with 1 hour or fresh water with 5 to 10 minutes to remove parasites before stocking in broodstock tank.
Black snook (Centropomus nigrescens "robalo") were fished by purse seine or beach seine in
私は1993年から1997年にかけて、JICA(国際協力機構の専門家としてエクアドルのCENAIM(Centro Nacional de Acuicultura e Investigaciones Marinas "Edgar Arellano M."で働きました。活動内容は海産魚のロバロ(南米スズキ?)とレンガード(ヒラメの近似種)の親魚採集・成熟促進・種苗生産・稚魚飼育の技術協力でした。
エクアドルでは、ロバロ (Centropomus nigrescens、英名Black snook )は巻き網か地引網で漁獲されます。我々は漁船に同乗し漁獲魚から親魚(6~12Kg)を選び、購入親魚は伴走している我々の船のタンクに移しました。ロバロは漁獲時のショックにより浮き袋の調節が出来ないためか、腹部を上にして水面に浮いてしまいます。センターに運ばれた直後の親魚は皮膚と目に激しい糜爛が見られますが、数週間で治癒します。ロバロは回復力の強い魚のようです。
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