Relation between spawning and water temperature of Oplegnathus insignis in North of Chile

I published my study about spawning of Pacific beakfish at North of Chile. Full text at my archive.
Since 2006, the project "Optimizacion de la tecnologia de procuccion de juveniles de San pedro (Oplegnathus insignis)" is running under INNOVA CORFO with CORDUNAP.Wild captured O. insignis are rearing at Universidad Arturo Prat Ciencia Del Mar (UNAPDCM) since 2002. Ten females (biomass 13.07 Kg) spawned 1,768,292 eggs with 20 times spawning under water temperature 19.3+-0.58C from January 7 to March 17, 2007. Spawning egg consist 1,574,492 floating eggs (89.0 %) and 1,457,692 hatch-out larvae (92.6 %).
O. insignis is multiple spawning fish and the egg behave isolated epipelagie eggs, diameter is 0.87 to 0.96 mm. The egg has one oil droplet, diameter is 0.16 to 0.21 mm. Between spawning quantity and the average water temperature while 4 days before spawning shows the most strong relation at 19.6 C. Thus, the result suggests that the fish takes 4 days to mature and spawn and the spawning are abundant at water temperature range 19.6 C.
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