Preliminary morphological study of Pacific beakfish (Oplegnathus insignis) from larva to juvenile st North of Chile

I published the preliminary morphological study of Pacific beakfish (Oplegnathus insignis) from larva to juvenile at North of Chile. Full text at my archive.
The project of "Optimizacion de la Tecnlogia de Produccion de juveniles de San Pedro (Oplegnathus insignis)" is running under INNOVA CORFO and CORDUNAP since 2006 and the object is to optimize seed production technique about O. insignis. The project produced some juveniles in 2007 and it had some knowledge of the fish. This paper informs the morphological changes of O. insignis from larva to juvenile.
The newly hatch-out larva shows TL 2.58+-0.13 mm, it has oval ball yolk and spherical oil droplet. Oral cavity open without teeth and eye structure develop on Day 2 which color turn to black. At Day 3, larva shapes fusiform and head develop with jaws and teeth. Pectoral fins grow and fin fold is constructed at caudal peduncle part. Hypural bone shapes triangle on Day 41 approximately. Body depth increase from around Day 46 and the shape become similar to adult. Five transverse bands show clearly from Day 90. Dorsal fin and anal fin as seen in orange color and anterior edge shows dark color on Day 150 approximately. The growth from larva to juvenile shows y=19.946x0.6263 as y is total length (mm) and x is days after hatch-out. The body weight shows y=0.1532x1.9735 as y as body weight (g) and x is days after hatch-out under average water temperature 19.6+-1.3 C from Day 0 to 269.
The newly hatch-out larva shows TL 2.58+-0.13 mm, it has oval ball yolk and spherical oil droplet. Oral cavity open without teeth and eye structure develop on Day 2 which color turn to black. At Day 3, larva shapes fusiform and head develop with jaws and teeth. Pectoral fins grow and fin fold is constructed at caudal peduncle part. Hypural bone shapes triangle on Day 41 approximately. Body depth increase from around Day 46 and the shape become similar to adult. Five transverse bands show clearly from Day 90. Dorsal fin and anal fin as seen in orange color and anterior edge shows dark color on Day 150 approximately. The growth from larva to juvenile shows y=19.946x0.6263 as y is total length (mm) and x is days after hatch-out. The body weight shows y=0.1532x1.9735 as y as body weight (g) and x is days after hatch-out under average water temperature 19.6+-1.3 C from Day 0 to 269.
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