Wild copepod collection by bag-net collector

Wild copepod collection by bag-net collector
Masatoshi Futagawa/CORDUNAP
September 20, 2012.

Copepod is ideal live feeds for finfish larvae culture. However, it is difficult to culture or maintain quantity unlike rotifer, this is why the culture is not popular. The method introduced to collecting wild copepod which is use for feeds and initial source for culture.

Bag-net collector gathers copepod efficiently and easily. The system consist of bag-net (500 µm), airlifts (32 to 50 m/m PVC pipe and air supply) and light (40 W). The system is installed at water surface with floaters or hanging by lines. The height of the system that airlift suck high volume of water and copepod should not flow-out from bag-net (see below photos). It is important to collect copepod when surface is in calm condition with light during the night.

Advantage of this system is easy collection and disadvantage is unstable collection quantity. Collected copepod should be fed in same day before reduce nutrition value.


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