Study of recirculation semi Intensive Seed Production (RESISP) 1208

Study of Recirculation Semi Intensive Seed Production (RESISP) 1208 Masatoshi FUTAGAWA/CORDUNAP September 30, 2012 The trial of RSISPC (Recirculation semi intensive seed production with copepod) was conducted from August 26 to September 26 2012. Production of phytoplankton failed due to cloudy weather and the water wasn’t circulated due to low production. The experiment terminated on 42 days culture (DC). Even so, there are some copepods and nauplii were produced. RESISP1208 Initial water was introduced through 120 µm bag-net, filled up 20 m 3 , and cultured high density T- Isochrysis (30 L) was added at 0 DC on August 16, 2012. Fertilizer, potassium nitrate (15-0-14, 3ppm) and triple superphosphate (0-14-0, 0.5 ppm) were applied until 9 DC and submersible light (400W) operated 18:00 to 7:00 until 12 DC. Water was supplied 5 % per day and increased 10 to 20 % when pH rise over 8.4 from 14 to 21 DC. Bag-net was removed on 16 DC. Average water temperature and pH at 10...