Mulata seed production in 2005

Graus nigra is one of most common species which widely habit at Chile cost. It is called “Vieja”, “Mulato” or “Mulata” locally and which very variable in market. However, the population abruptly decreases due to over fishing recently.
Activity of “Marine ranching” is one of solution to recover and enhance natural resources which consists juvenile releasing, artificial reef construction and area management. According to that it is important to develop technique about mass production of juvenile in term of high quality and large quantity in the first instance.
Mulata brood stock spawned in cold season, from July to October, naturally and author tried to produce juvenile. Technical development is on the way, it need more study to reach high survival. This study contents mass production method, morphology and habit of Mulata.
Refer to "-mulata-technical study-05-pub" that crick "Toshi's" at side bar.
Eventually I could not produced any juveniles due to some problems in 2005. I have tried again on 2006 after consider those problems.
Grays Niagaraはチリ沿岸に分布する重要魚種で、地元では有用魚種で「ビエハ(お婆さん)」、「ムラト」又は「ムラタ」と呼ばれています。しかしながら、乱獲のため最近はすっかり減っています。人工種苗の放流と漁場管理からなる海洋牧場事業で、資源の回復と増産が必要と感じています。
ムラタはチリの冬である7月から10月にかけて産卵を行いますが、2005年に種苗生産を試み、その工程を記録しました(上記サイトの「-Malta-technical study-pub」参考。
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