
Showing posts from August, 2009

Tuna culture at North of Chile

CORDUNAP run project about "Tuna culture at North of Chile" supported by CORFO. We made seminar at Santiago , Puerto montt and Iquique on March 10, 12 and 19 accordingly. My presentation content Chile has advantages those salmon culture industry, fish mill industry and professional divers. Those industries are one of the biggest and high tech in the world. Salmon industry provide cage culture equipment (cages, boats and feeding machines), skilled worker, processing plant, marketing net work and logistics. Fish mill industry provide huge volume of fresh fish, fresh fish mill, fishing equipment (boats, nets, operators and fish mill). In the other hand, tuna habit far from coast, 10 hours by boat, and Japan market, and it is high wave condition. I recommend complete fish culture, not capture-based culture, that rearing hatchery made fry and reproduce next generation from artificial seeds. The culture operate off-shore with submersible cage. The advantages are nutrition c...

Technical study of live feeds culture

There is the publication of live feeds production for fish seed "-rotifer-culture-tecstu-060829" at . Below is a part of introduction. This technical study is prepared under the project “Optimización de la tecnología de producción de juveniles de San Pedro ( Oplegnathus insignis )” which running with INNOVA-CORFO since 2006. I introduce the culture method of live feeds, rotifer and Artemia. The method shows that rotifer was cultured up to 1300 ind/ml with feed baker’s yeast and ideal density was 800 ind/ml. 魚類種苗生産時に使用する初期餌料生物生産に関する著作物(英文)が、  の「 -rotifer-culutre-tecstu-060829 」にあります。以下はイントロの一部です。 この技術開発は2006年より始まった INNOVA-CORFO による、プロジェクト「サンペドロ ( Oplegnathus insignis ) (南米産イシダイ)の種苗生産技術の改善」によるもである。これはワムシとアルテミアの生産方法を解説したもので、パン酵母を餌としたワムシ生産では最高13000個 / mlの密度で生産されたが、800個 /ml で良好な生産が見られた。

Mulata seed production in 2005

Graus nigra is one of most common species which widely habit at Chile cost. It is called “Vieja”, “Mulato” or “Mulata” locally and which very variable in market. However, the population abruptly decreases due to over fishing recently. Activity of “Marine ranching” is one of solution to recover and enhance natural resources which consists juvenile releasing, artificial reef construction and area management. According to that it is important to develop technique about mass production of juvenile in term of high quality and large quantity in the first instance. Mulata brood stock spawned in cold season, from July to October, naturally and author tried to produce juvenile. Technical development is on the way, it need more study to reach high survival. This study contents mass production method, morphology and habit of Mulata. Refer to "-mulata-technical study-05-pub" that crick "Toshi's" at side bar. Eventually I could not produced any juveniles due to...

Mulata spawning analysis in 2005 and 2006

The comparison of Mulata spawning in 2005 and 2006 as below. Wild captured G. nigra are rearing at UNAPDCM since 2002 and it starts spawned from 2002. Seven females (biomass 14,056 g) spawned 9,551,611 eggs with 83 times spawning under water temperature 15.8 ± 0.89 ° C from July 13 to November 1, 2005 . Spawned egg consist 6,956,117 floating eggs (72.8%) and it produces 4,487,154 hatch-out larvae (64.5%). Six females (biomass 13,035 g) spawned 15,657,954 eggs with 94 times under 16.5 ± 0.63 ° C from June 11 to October 17, 2006 . Spawned egg consist 7,947,405 floating eggs (50.8%) and it produces 5,422,681 hatch-out larvae (68.2%). G. nigra spawn several times in a spawning season and the spawning quantity per fish body weight shows 679,500 eggs/Kg in 2005 and 1,202,224 eggs/Kg in 2006. The strong relation shows between egg quantity and the average water temperature while 3 days before spawning and it abundant at WT 15.50 ° C in 2005. It has more spawning quantity at 16 ° C...

Mulata spawning analysis in 2005

This is the spawning analysis of Graus nigra on 2005. Remarkable point is the method can identify the period and water temperature of maturation based on simple mathematics method. Abstract is below. Graus nigra is one of most common species which widely habit at Chile cost. Wild G. nigra brood stock, 7 female (BW 950 to 5,350 g) and 11 males (550 to 3,590 g), are reared at facilities of Universidad de Arturo Prat, Ciencias del Mar marine laboratory in Iquique Chile . G. nigra fatness rise to 35 to 42 and spawned naturally from July to October 2005. Spawning occurred 83 times and 9,551,611 eggs are collected in this term. Spawning occurred at water temperature 14 to 17 C. G. nigra produce large quantity and high quality fry at 15.0 to 15.5 C. Refer the file "-mulata-spawning-060516-en" at Este analisis del desove de Graus nigra en 2005. Punto importante ha destacar es la utilizacion de un metodo con el cual pod...

Genetic methods for breeding

Genetic method have been applied hundreds of years in the field of agriculture and livestock and the results contribute our life very much. In aquaculture field the study started recently and some products are shown at market that use genetic technique such as tilapia, salmon and trout. It has just started to apply genetic techniques to aquaculture field and there are big possibility to improve. There is general information about basic genetic technique that apply to fin fish at file of "-toshi-pub-genetics-breeding-050706.pdf. at or crick "Toshi's" at side bar. 農業や畜産においては数百年に渡り遺伝学的手法が使われてきており、我々の生活を豊かにしています。水産においては始まったばかりで、遺伝的手法が使われたティラピア・サケ・マスの生産物が市場に見られるようになっています。詳しくは上記の書庫に、魚類生産における遺伝的手法「 -genetics-breeding-050706」があります。ご覧ください。