Improvement of seed production by SISP-B (Semi Intensive Seed Production with Balanidae)

Improvement of seed production by SISP-B (Semi Intensive Seed Production with Balanidae) Abstract Wild captured cabrilla común ( Paralabrax humeralis ) spawn 19 million eggs and 9 million larvae hatch-out from November 2018 to April 2019. The spawning occurred water temperature 18 to 20 °C mainly. Several SISP ( Semi Intensive Seed Production ) were operated and improved the method. SISP method is different from intensive method as SISP feed natural growing wild copepod instead of rotifer and Artemia that create intensively. Thus SISP not only require several tanks and equipment (pump, filter, UV etc.) but also high level technique and experience. SISP makes anybody produce premium juvenile easily without large investment. Remarkably we found that the larvae eat picoroco nauplius ( Austromegabalanus psittacus ) which nauplius grows bigger and longer than copepod and blue mussel. Also produce picoroco nauplius easier than copepod that collect in coast and just hang in the SI...