Mass mortality of anchovy at Ex Ballenera Iquique, Chile

Mass mortality of anchovy at Ex Ballenera Iquique, Chile October 16, 2016 Masatoshi Futagawa There are many anchovies washed shores at Ex ballenera Iquique Chile on the afternoon October 15, 2016. Those anchovy show weak condition, still alive when the fish reached to the beach. It smelled rotten fish odor and many birds gathered at the area who take those anchovy. The same incident occurred that 600 ton of anchovy dead at Oueule, south of Chile, on last July. Additionally, we observe many birds at surface along Iquique coast that suggest possibly same incident occurring since last month. I collected some live samples, 4 males and 4 females (TL 12 – 13 cm) at the beach. Based on the optical observation, not using microscope, the fishes show clean and fresh gills and matured, gonad color orange, and intestine has contents. According to the observation, suspected reasons of the incident are as follows. ...