Incubatuin of phytoplankton

Incubation of phytoplankton ( Nannochloropsis sp., Chaetoceros sp. and T-ISO) Masatoshi Futagawa/CORDUNAP January 17, 2013 Phytoplankton are primary live feeds for shellfish larva and rotifer. And rotifer as live feeds for finfish larva that contains HUFAs which is essential to marine fish larva. Thus, constant phytoplankton production without contamination of protozoans is one of key factors to produce the larvae. Recently, there are some substitute products of phytoplankton such as dry phytoplankton and enrichment material which HUFAs concentrated. Even so, live phytoplankton is the best material for larvae culture as of present. I will introduce typical phytoplankton incubation method that is practiced for scallop larva culture in our hatchery. 1. Medium preparation 1.1. Seawater is filtered by fiber filters (500, 100, 50, 10, 1 and 0.5 µm) and sterilized by UV at hatchery. The water is filtered again by membrane filter (0.45 µm, Advantec...