Sinking death syndrome during finfish larviculture

Sinking death syndrome during finfish larviculture Masatoshi FUTAGAWA / CORDUNAP June 30, 2012 Phenomenon Sinking death syndrome occur during early life stage of finfish larviculture, 3 to 7 days post hatch-out (DPH), that larvae settle on bottom at nighttime mostly and it makes mass mortality due to bacteria contamination and anoxia. Several species has the syndrome and that is one of the bottlenecks of mass production. I had the syndrome during the larviculture of Graus nigra , Pacific beakfish ( Oplegnathus insignis ), Japanese flounder ( Paralichthys olivaceus ) and Grater amberjack ( Seriola dumerili ). Causes Increasing body density Finfish larvae consume yolk and oil droplet few days after hatch-out and change body density. Usually, body density of larvae is heavier than water (1.0236±0.0001 at WT 25 ̊C). According to Teruya et al. 2008 , Greater amberjack larva shows it consume yolk and oil droplet until 4 DPH and body water contents reduce from 2 DPH (93.5...