
Showing posts from February, 2012

The strategy of finfish culture founding in Chile

The strategy of f infish culture founding in Chile Masatoshi FUTAGAWA CORDUNAP February 28, 2012 Chile is trading country, concluded a treaty (FTA, EPA, TPP etc.) with 58 counties and exports primary industry materials such as copper ore, fruits and salmon etc. Economic situation of the country grows well and it join OECD in 2010. Salmons and trout exportation grew to 500 thousand ton (2.3 billion USD) in 2007 but there was an outbreak of virus (ISAV) and reduced to less than one half. Also, coastal fish resources decreased much due to overfishing and affect coastal life which is happening all over the world. Thus, it needs alternatives culture species of salmons to minimize risk and recover resource of coastal fish to improve coastal life. The keywords are “Sustainability”, “Minimum contamination” and “Less energy consumption”. I will write what are the needs and how to fish culture founding according to those key words. 1.     Conditions ...

Why finfish seed production was unsuccessful in Chile.

Why finfish seed production w as unsuccessful in Chile Masatoshi FUTAGAWA CORDUNAP February 24, 2012 There were many finfish seed production projects for decades and majority were failure, a few had produced or none. I have some points of view about the reasons why. Major problem is nutrition of rotifer, particularly feeds for rotifer. 1.       Rotifer culture and handling 1.1. Nutritional value Rotifer is commonly used for primary live feeds for fish larva. Chile fish seed production use rotifer which is cultured by bread yeast (SMC, Saccharomyces cerevisiae , 4-7 µm) or marine chlorella (NCO, Nannochloropsis oculata , 2-6 µm ) and feed to fish larva after enrichment. Besides, it is cultured by concentrated freshwater chlorella (CCV12, Chlorella vulgaris , 2-10 µm, 12 billion cells/ml, vitamin B 12 soluble) and NCO. Then it is fed to larva after enrichment in Japan . In 2006, 51 % of hatchery use CCV12 and 92 % use CCV12 and NC...