Anchovy seed production w/ SISP
According to the my log in Aug. 30, I produced anchovy juvenile with SIPS (Semi Intensive Seed production) and it harvested at Day 52 (52 days post hatch-out) on Sept. 24, 2011. We collected 258 juveniles (TL 41.7 mm, SL 35.4 mm, BW 0.31 g) and survival rate shows 1.5 %. Average water temperature shows 16.8 C during the culture period (75 days). Raw sea water introduced to tank (60 tons concrete rectangle) at 50 % of volume through 1 mm mesh bag net in July 11. The water are supplied gradually and filled up to 60 tons within a week and during this time agricultural fertilizers (Nitrate 3 ppm and Phosphate 0.5 ppm) are applied four times to increase phytoplankton bloom. The water color changed to green at first week and then it sift to brown one. Even so, the transparency never reached to less than 1m. Several species of Copepods are bloomed from 7th week and those are observed that accumulated at surface during the morning time. Anchovy broodstock ...