Post salmon is Seriola

According to The Santiago Times on August 10, 2007, "Chile's National Fishing Service (SERNAPESCA) has instructed salmon farmers to kill fish found to be infected with the lethal Infectious Salmon Anemia (ISA), a highly contagious virus that was recently detected on several fish farms around Chiloe, region X " Chile is one of the biggest salmon producer in world market, it produced 618 thousand ton (US$2.2 billion) in 2006. The industry is contributing to social very much similar to the mining industry. However, it give negative impacts to environment, like contamination of lake Penaeus prawns virus reached epidemic word wide more than two decades. I hope salmon virus solve soon.Hopefully those problems can be solved soon.

I like to recommend optional indigenous species that can be large scale industry. There are three requirements in establishing industrial fish culture such as rapid growth of fish, established production method and large market size. Particularly, these requirements can assist to the budget and cash flow for the operation. Seriola lalandi "Yellowtail amberjack" which is called "Dorado" in Chile is candidate for post salmon. Seriola grow fast, habitat, cultured and marketed world wide. However, development of culture method has to adapt to Chile condition regarding off-shore cage culture and mass seed production technique.


ここでサケ以外で、大型養殖産業となりうる在来種の推薦をしたい。養殖業が成立するためには、成長が早く養殖方法が確立されており市場が大きいと言う3つの要件が有る。それらの要件は、生産における資金繰りや予算立てにおいて重要である。チリではドラドと呼ばれるヒラマサ(Seriola lalandi)が生息しており、この魚がサケの次期候補となりうると思われる。Seriola類は成長が早く、世界規模で生息し養殖されており、市場も形成されている。生産方法に関しては沖合い養殖や大量種苗生産など、チリの海況にあった技術開発が必要である。


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