
Showing posts from 2011

RESISP (Recirculation Semi Intensive Seed Production)

SISP (Semi Intensive Seed Production) had problem which hard to estimate survival due to microalgae bloom, only we knew when dry up. Thus, I improved the system that copepoda culture tank connect to larva tank which shallower than copepoda tank and copepoda culture water recirculate between tanks to give enough feeds, copepoda and phytoplankton and maintain smiler water quality as copepoda tank. Figure of system and comparison among ISP (Intensive Seed Production), SISP and RESISP are below. Table revised on Oct.25.

Scallop seed production by SISP

Raw see water was introduced in 20 tons cylinder tank at Arturo Prat University Marine Science laboratory in Iquique Chile in September 22, 2011. Agriculture fertilizers, nitrate 159 g and phosphate 27 g, were applied at 20 tons of water volume at Day 1. Sea water supplied daily at approximately 10 % water exchange rate. Phytoplankton were bloomed and water color turned to green. Copepoda observed at density of 0.2 ind/ml at Day 20. Scallop larvae (Day 1, 16 million approximately) stocked and installed juvenile collectors, 24 bags, at Day 21 in October 13.

Anchovy seed production w/ SISP

According to the my log in Aug. 30, I produced anchovy juvenile with SIPS (Semi Intensive Seed production) and it harvested at Day 52 (52 days post hatch-out) on Sept. 24, 2011. We collected 258 juveniles (TL 41.7 mm, SL 35.4 mm, BW 0.31 g) and survival rate shows 1.5 %. Average water temperature shows 16.8 C during the culture period (75 days). Raw sea water introduced to tank (60 tons concrete rectangle) at 50 % of volume through 1 mm mesh bag net in July 11. The water are supplied gradually and filled up to 60 tons within  a week and during this time agricultural fertilizers (Nitrate 3 ppm and Phosphate 0.5 ppm) are applied four times to increase phytoplankton bloom. The water color changed to green at first week and then it sift to brown one. Even so, the transparency never reached to less than 1m. Several species of Copepods are bloomed from 7th week and those are observed that accumulated at surface during the morning time.   Anchovy broodstock (TL 20 cm

Yellowtail amberjack seed production with SISP

I received Yellowtail amberjack larvae (Day 4, 3,385 ind., TL 5mm) in Feb. 17, 2010. The larvae stock in two conical tanks (500L) and supplied water from SISP (Semi-intensive seed production) tank which include natural copepods bloomed until D34 (30 days). Additionally, we fed mussel larva from D5 to D7, Artemia (D12 to D54) and artificial feeds (Otohime) from D18. The juveniles (D35, 34 ind., TL 35mm) were transferred to square tank (750L) and supplied filtered water and fed artificial feeds. Finally, juveniles (17 ind., TL 51mm, BW 1.6g) were suddenly dead on D58. Average water temperature and pH show 20.6 and 8.28 during culture period accordingly. 

Octopus seed production

I got three batch of octopus ( Octopus mimus ) eggs and tried to produce seeds in 2005 and 2006. The eggs forms a bunch of eggs and shapes teardrop (2x0.8 mm) which takes a month from fertilization to hatch-out. Hatch-out larva (D0, TL 2mm) resemble adult which has tentacles, york and chromatophore. Live feeds, rotifer and Artemia, are fed, but it not accepted. According to fish institute in Japan they produced 16 thousand juvenile, survival rate 66 %, fed with sand eel strip and Tibet Artemia in 2001.

Anchovy seed production

Wild anchovy ( Engraulis ringens ) are collected a off-Iquique and stocked at Arturo Prat Univ. Marine Science Lab at Huaiqique in July 31, 2001. The fish spawned at night in same day, forms oval (1.2x0.6mm), floating surface, and 25,618 eggs are incubated in conical tank. The eggs hatched-out 55 hours after fertilization at WT 15 C approximately. Hatch-out rate shows 80 % and 16,771 larvae (Day1) were stocked in 60 ton tank and rearing with SISP (Semi-Intensive Seed Production) method in August 4.

What happing in Japan?

I watch Japanese TV program everyday through internet. There are many problems happening, like radiation and refugees. Even so, we stand recovering stage after surviving face. However, I worry about misunderstanding of non-Japanese due to different culture and language. I will introduce a blog site which inform prop erly by English as follows. apan_tech_blog/


もう三晩、TVの前で寝ながら日本の報道を観ています。 被災者の皆様には心からお悔やみ申し上げます。 1000年に一度の大震災に際し、日本が過去に経験したことのない困難に立ち向かうこととなりました。振り返れば20年に渡る経済不振、政治の低迷、高齢 化社会など、低迷を続けていた日本に止めを刺すような大震災です。このまま中進国に転落するのでしょうか。今まさに日本人の真価が問われています。 世界中を見ても日本ほど劇的な国は少ないのですが、私は日本は見事に再生し、震災以前より良い国になると考えています。私の知っている日本人は自分の力で 自らの社会構造を変えることは出来ないが、外圧(黒船来航・敗戦)に際して異常な力を発揮する人のようです。復興に際しては国民全員が支え合う事が必要 で、重要なことは政府が何をしてくれるかではなく個人一人ひとりが何をするかです。復興には口だけの政治家や飾りの役員、揚げ足取りのマスコミは不要で、 震災の混乱時に誰が何を行って何をしたかをよく覚えていると良いでしょう。新しい船を動かせるのは新しい水夫です。以下のサイトが私の言いたいことを代弁 してくれているようです。 復興に掛かる時間を大きく分けるポイントとなるのは、原発事故を解決できるか否かです。以下は事故の内容を分かりやすく解説しています。 最悪の結果を招くと東北地方と多くの国民を失うだけでなく、世界中を汚染します。また国際社会における日本の信用(価値)を大きく損なうこととなり、今ま さに「格納容器が破損したらしい」とアナウンスがあり、同時に日経ダウが9000円を切りました。記者会見を見ていると東電は組織が老化しており、非常事 態に十分対応できてないようです。いくら謝罪をしても事故は解決できません。 大阪で被災募金をしていた若者のインタビューがあり、「同