Flounder broodstock maturation control in Ecuador

I worked in Ecuador under JICA http://www.jica.go.jp/ project from 1993 to 1997. I transfered technology of broodstock collection, seed production and juvenile rearing about flounder (Paralichthis woolmani) and white snook (Centropomus viridis).

Maturation control by water temperature is one of the most useful technique that supply seed on demand, synchronize to rotifer production and reduce cost. The system consist broodstock tank (17.5 ton, 0.9 m depth) , egg collection tank, filter tank, heat pump and UV, and rearing water recirculate by pump. Flounder (Biomass 47Kg, 8 males and 11 females) spawned 165 million egg naturally from June 1995 to May 1997. The spawning was abundant between 18 to 20 C.

I use same method in Malawi with carps, Barbus litamba “Thamba”, Labeo cyrinduricus “Ningwi” and Clarias gariepinus “Mlamba” are mature at water temperature 27 to 29 . Thamba and Ningwi spawn egg after hormone injection and produce some hatch-out fry.

1993年から1997年に南米のエクアドルにて、JICAhttp://www.jica.go.jp による海産魚類のヒラメ(Paralichthys woolmani)とロバロ(Centropomus viridis)の種苗生産技術の移転(親魚採集、種苗生産、若魚飼育)を行いました。


ちなみにマラウイにおいてはコイ類のタンバ(Barbus litanba) とニングィ(Labeo mesopus)、アフリカナマズ(Clarias geriepinus)に水温制御を行い、27から29で成熟が見られました。魚はホルモン注射後自然産卵し、種苗生産が行われました。


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